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A Parade is such fun!  Here are a few scenes from Anderson’s Christmas Parade, held December 6, 2009…

Hope Defined

Anderson County Library

Marching Bands


TaTa Queens

Westside Rams for AIM



Dear Lord,
Today we honor our veterans,
worthy men and women
who gave their best
when they were called upon
to serve and protect their country.
We pray that you will bless them, Lord,
for their unselfish service
in the continual struggle
to preserve our freedoms, our safety,
and our country’s heritage, for all of us.
Bless them abundantly
for the hardships they faced,
for the sacrifices they made
for their many different contributions
to America’s victories
over tyranny and oppression.
We respect them, we thank them,
we honor them, we are proud of them,
and we pray that you will watch over
these special people
and bless them with peace and happiness.
In Jesus’ name we pray; Amen.

By Joanna Fuchs 



Back a few weeks ago when the acorns first began to fall, my husband and son found this perfect one and brought it in to show me.  I began to play around with my camera to see if I might capture a bit of its beauty and perfection.  Well, perhaps I didn’t get the photo that I was looking for, but when I examined this shot and noticed the shadow, it immediately gave me comfort.

Much like the way the shadow is larger than life for the acorn, I know that God is ever-present and larger than can be imagined!   afs


“Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace.  God is awake.”     ~Victor Hugo



We were scheduled to be at the beach this weekend, but changed our plans to go another weekend soon.  We’ve been really busy running lots of errands, picking up last minute items before the start of school, and preparing for a community yard sale next weekend.  We’ve been so busy in fact, that I’m having a bit of remorse about our decision and am wishing that we were lounging in the sun on the beach, or perhaps sipping a cocktail on the deck of a seaside cottage with our only delimma being to decide what type of seafood we’d like to have for dinner. 

Hence today’s photos from past trips to one of our favorite areas of the South Carolina Low Country, Hunting Island and Harbor Island.  I’m allowing myself to travel back for a short visit after all….if only in my mind.   afs


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Today’s colors represent the end of the rainbow not covered in yesterday’s post.  G (green), B (blue), I (indigo), and V (violet).  Less vibrant than the R (red), O (orange), Y (yellow) end of the spectrum, but none the less as lovely.     afs



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I must be getting pretty old, because time is lapping me.  IT FLIES!!  I can’t believe that it’s been six days since my last post.  Of course I knew I was behind, but SIX DAYS??  It seems that I really let life get in the way of blogging this week.

To get back on track I’ve been looking through my recent photos.  In many of them, the main thing to jump out at me are the colors.  I’ve selected a few to post here today that clearly spell summertime to me.  As I stand back and look at them they perfectly represent the R.O.Y. (red orange yellow) section of a summer rainbow.   I hope you’re enjoying the colors of your summer! 

I’ll be spending the next little looking for more shots so we can complete the G.B.I.V. (green blue indigo violet) sections of that rainbow tomorrow!     afs

Please bear with me as I dabble in a little self-indulgence today by posting some summer shots of my son Kellen.  After all, they’ll only be one summer when he’s 11.  Time is fleeting and each summer brings him closer to the time when he’ll no longer look to Mom and Dad to meet his needs and we’ll miss the little day-to-day moments that we take for granted now.  I think I’ll go and hug my son now.   afs


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 07-12-09 extraSweeter days are soon to come  for these lovely green grapes growing in the yard of my in-laws.  My mother-in law tells me that in about a month they’ll be ripe for picking and enjoying as a snack.  That is if all those birds that I saw and mentioned yesterday don’t get to them first!   afs

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God bless America, land that I love.

Stand beside her, and guide her,

thru the night with a light from above.

From the mountains, to the prairies,

to the oceans white with foam.

God bless America, my home, sweet, home.

Thanks for visiting! Enjoy today’s photo and if you have time, scroll down to see previous photos dating back to August of 2008. Nothing fancy, just everyday bits of my life and the lives of those around me. Please say hello or leave your comments by clicking “comments” above any photo. I post a new photo every day, so bookmark me and visit often!

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